

22 years old, has a fixation with taking paper notes. Originally from the midwest before getting shipped off to college in California. Instead of returning home, he moved to Burton Island to take some time away from responsibilities. Unfortunately found himself in the current situation of being host to a poltergeist named Zips.

Special skill: Makes boxed pancake mix taste really good.


A poltergeist with a charming smile. Zips is blunt and callous, not feeling the need to mince words. She will manipulate situations to get her way, which is fair game in her book. She is apparently easily swayed by pancakes and not much else. Seems to have a friendly soft spot for Daniel. If she knew what a best friend was, he would probably be it.

Ability: Manipulation of Lightning/Electricity.


Although Scrape is the most powerful poltergeist in the group, he is an obnoxious masochist with little interest in anything other than Zips. Things tend to work out in his favor due to Zips hating him, any touch of hers excites and delights...The easiest thing for Scrape to do is to produce and manipulate red-hot bubbles from his hands.

Ability: Manipulation of Molten Rock.


21 years old, future owner of Tom’s General Store. Has a crush on Daniel. Studying at an online college to get her degree in business. Jillian secretly wishes she could leave the island and travel the world, but knows that it’s impossible as the sole heir to the family business.

Special skill: Mental math.


17 years old, an adventurous highschooler. Popular with everyone for her kind personality and charm. A typical teenage girl, she loves to chase boys and have fun. She views Daniel as a big brother. Father is the governor of the island as well as Daniel’s landlord.

Special skill: Can recite the alphabet backwards.


Nonverbal poltergeist. Generally kind with an inappropriate sense of humor. Perhaps his death has led him to believe that jokes of his caliber are acceptable. Although Glick can recreate the physical appearance of anything he sees, he cannot generate the color to match and remains completely in black and white.

Ability: Manipulation of Illusions